First Break Mining

Grinding equipment
The right tools to get you back on the cutting edge.

Staying sharp makes a lot of business sense
If you spend your hard-earned money on drill bits that have to be constantly replaced, then you’ll start wondering if you can’t get better value elsewhere. The answer to this problem is a comprehensive range of grinding equipment. Maintaining penetration can therefore save you money.
Firstly, you need good grinding equipment for a start – and you won’t find any better than Epiroc´s. And secondly, you need to spend time and energy grinding your bits. But the rewards are significant. For a really small investment of your overall drilling costs, you can restore your worn bits to their former glory. And with these bits you cut the time and manpower needed to drill the hole. In fact, you will reduce overall drilling costs. How? By using the market’s widest selection of efficient, ergonomically designed grinding machines for fixed installations and field operations – Epiroc grinding machines.
Get the sharpest advice
In a drill bit grinding machine, the grinding wheels are composed of abrasive compounds. Grinding wheels life span can vary from less than a day to many years, depending of the release of individual grains, dull growing and that they increase drag pulls out of the bond. The process of manufacturing the grinding wheels is therefore a controlled and precise process and is necessary for good performance.
There are many different types of bits, some with inserts and others with buttons – and they come in many different sizes. To further complicate matters, no two rocks are the same. Consequently, bit wear differs. There’s only one good piece of advice we can give you – don’t make a decision before talking to Epiroc.
Epiroc can offer grinding machines for fixed installations and field operations.
Grind Matic RH3 - Grinding has never been easier
- Medium frequency of grinding (10-25 bits/day).
- From small tophammer bits to larger DTH and COPROD bits.
Grind Matic RH3 is a fully hydraulic powered grinding machine, designed to be attached to, and fit a wide range of drill rigs. With its low oil consumption, the machine can be used while drilling is in progress.
It grinds cemented carbide buttons and the surrounding body steel in the same operation using a diamond coated grinding wheel. The machine has an automatic feeding device, which makes it simple to use and the centring function makes sure that the button is exactly positioned before grinding starts.

The importance of grinding
You’ve probably known for a long time that regular grinding is essential for productivity.
But what you may not know is just how important it is. By wearing down your button bits by a third you’ll slow down your penetration rate and at the same time increase your running costs! And why? Because the hole will take longer to drill and your labour and rig running costs will escalate. And at the end of the day you’ll have drilled fewer holes.

Grind Matic BQ3 - Boost your productivity
- High frequency of grinding (full shift).
- For threaded and tapered bits.
Grind Matic BQ3 is a fast, semi-automatic grinder specially designed for our profiled diamond grinding wheels, allowing you to precision-grind cemented carbide buttons and steel in the same operation.
Grind Matic BQ3 is so easy to use that one operator can readily handle more than one machine at a time. To use Grind Matic BQ3, simply connect the machine to electricity and air.
Grind Matic BQ3-DTH - A fast machine
- High frequency of grinding (full shift).
- For DTH and COPROD bits.
- Can also grind threaded and tapered bits.
Grind Matic BQ3-DTH is a fast machine. And with speed comes greater efficiency. We’ve included a bit holder and an automatic centering arm.
Combine these novel features with a more powerful grinding motor, as well as a fourfold increase in bit rotation speed, and you’re looking at vastly superior grinding capacity.

Grind Matic Manual B - Grinding made easy
- Medium frequency of grinding (10-25 bits/day).
- For threaded and tapered bits.
Grind Matic Manual B is an air-powered grinding machine, equipped with diamond grinding wheels for spherical, Trubbnos (trapezoid) and ballistic buttons.
Mounted in a box fitted with wheels and handles, Manual B is mobile and easy to set up. A separate water tank provides efficient recirculated cooling.
Grind Matic Manual B-DTH - A smooth button bit grinder
- Medium frequency of grinding (10-25 bits/day).
- For DTH and COPROD bits.
- Can also grind threaded and tapered bits.
Grind Matic Manual B-DTH is a handheld grinder for grinding down-the-hole bits. Equipped with a few simple accessories, it also grinds threaded button bits.
The machine is air-powered and uses Secoroc diamond grinding wheels for grinding spherical, Trubbnos (trapezoid) and ballistic button profiles.
The Manual B-DTH is mounted in a box fitted with wheels and handles. A separate water tank provides efficient recirculated cooling.

Diamond grinding tools deliver perfect results
With Epiroc´s diamond grinding wheels that retains their profiles throughout their entire working life, you can be sure that they deliver perfect results. Every time.
Diamonds are a driller’s best friend
If you need to grind steel and cemented carbide in one single operation, you won’t find better tools than our diamond grinding wheels for spherical, ballistic and the patended Trubbnos cemented carbide buttons.
Thanks to the diamond coated steel body, these grinding wheels retain their profile throughout their working life. So when used in our grinding machines these wheels always deliver perfect results.
There’s no other way to grind buttons properly.