
First Break Mining

Mineral exploration drilling rigs

Explore Epiroc's complete range of products, all designed to help you achieve the highest possible productivity with the lowest possible maintenance costs within the mineral exploration industry.


Epiroc range of Mineral exploration drilling rigs

Drilling provides most of the information for the final evaluation of a prospect and will determine if the prospect is mineable. Prospecting and exploration is the first phase in the life cycle of a mine, followed by development, extraction and finally closure and reclamation. These activities, which often occur simultaneously, involve searching for mineral deposits using a variety of geological methods.

Drilling is used to search for mineral occurrences or clues in the rocks that may lead to mineral deposits. The information gathered during this stage may or may not lead to a discovery of valuable minerals. Drilling penetrates deep into the ground and brings up samples of whatever it finds on its way. If there is any mineralization at given points far beneath the surface, drilling can give a straightforward answer and can quantify its presence at that particular point.

Exploration that makes a difference

There are two main methods of exploratory that makes a difference. Core drilling, yields a solid cylinder shaped sample of the ground at an exact depth. Reverse circulation (RC) drilling, yields a crushed sample, comprising cuttings from a fairly well determined depth in the hole. Beyond that, the drill hole itself can provide a complementary amount of information, particularly by logging using devices to detect physical anomalies, similar to the geophysical surveys mentioned above.

To quantify the mineralization, and to define the shape, size and metal content of the de-posit, the step by step procedure in exploration activities is required. At every step of the procedure, the geologists examine the information at hand, to recommend continuing the exploration efforts.

In the majority of cases, mining will start with open-pit excavation, gradually turning into underground mining once the waste to ore ratio becomes too excessive at deeper horizons.

While exploration has never been as challenging as it is today, advances in technology have meant that the most arduous and repetitive tasks of drilling can be confidently overcome – largely thanks to the rapid progress of advanced control systems and automation.


Reverse circulation drilling rigs

Reverse circulation drilling rigs

Epiroc's Explorac range provides exploration drillers with the only reverse circulation drilling rigs on the market which are specifically designed for reverse circulation drilling and drilling in remote areas.


Core drilling rigs

Core drilling rigs

Epiroc offers a broad range of core drilling rigs for surface and underground.